Carmi Therapeutic Massage

Services And Rates

Massages are adjusted to each individuals specific needs and focus. 

Prenatal massages are safe at any point of the pregnancy, as long as you are free of complications. 

Sports massages can be a great addition to your warm up or cool down routine. Depending on your needs, the combination of heat, ice, stretching, cupping, and massage will be used. Sports massages are completed in 30 minute sessions.

Chair massages can be offered in place of a table massage. This is a seated, fully clothed massage focusing on the back and arms. Ask about off site chair massages to accommodate small groups.

Cupping can be performed on its own for a focus area in a 15 minute session or added onto a longer massage for multiple focus areas. Cupping is great for loosening tight, stubborn knots and releasing tight myofascia. 

Facial cupping can also be done in a 15 minute session or added onto a longer massage. Facial cupping helps restore elasticity, decrease fine lines, reduce scarring, and drain sinuses and stagnate lymph in the face and neck.

Add-ons are included within the time of the massage session to enhance the experience. They include:

  • Sugar Foot Scrub: Exfoliating scrub applied to the feet along with warm towels and finished with body butter
  • Warm Bamboo: Heated tools made of bamboo used to help ease sore muscles
  • Hot Stones: Heated stones used to loosen tight muscles and allow for a deeper massage
  • Aromatherapy: Choose from a variety of different aromas to be mixed into your lotion, along with warm towels for an extra boost
  • Biofreeze Therapy: Application of the products Prossage and Biofreeze along with warm towels to allow for a deeper massage 
  • Percussion Tool: Tool that uses rapid vibration to loosen muscles prior to the massage

Accepted payment types include: cash, check, card, and health savings account (HSA)

Add-ons$5 / each
Cupping$10 / 15 minutes
Facial Cupping$10 / 15 minutes
Sports Massage$30 / 30 minutes
Therapeutic Massage$30 / 30 minutes
Therapeutic Massage$60 / 60 minutes
Therapeutic Massage$90 / 90 minutes
Therapeutic Massage$120 / 120 minutes
Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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